25 September 2009

The Show Must Go On

A fantastic weekend is in full swing and the town is abuzz. Tonight Miley Cirus gets serious at jobing.com arena, and the Patrick Swayze film festival muscles into the Valley Art. Fellas wont want to miss Sunday's high rise implosion over at Third and Earll. It'd be a crime to let a few freeway closures deprive you of all this town has to offer.

Speaking of crime (and implosions), the Diamondbacks' exercise their sense of humor this weekend, hosting "Fandemonium", Latin for "You're still here? Seriously?" The club's canned, slutty come-on, to mostly absentee season ticket holders, occurs in the middle of Padre exhibitions, emphatically confirming last place in the NL West.


Russell said...

Given the late summer weather here in Vancouver I shall, unfortunately, be at the beach and therefore miss "Fandemonium". But I wish everybody well in the big series against the mighty Padres.

Diamondhacks said...

I'm impressed, being almost October. As a kid, I regularly swam in Maine, but that was July into August - with a bit of the Gulf Stream.

I assumed BC waters were fed by glaciers and icy Siberian effluent.

Russell said...

It's the Siberien effluent that keeps me afloat.