It is the largest Arizona crowd to witness a sporting event since the third round of the 2006 Phoenix Open at TPC, and the highest attended event ever at Chase Field, which reports a capacity for baseball of 48,295.
"Standing room", explained Hall. "It surprised even us."
The record throng in the half empty stadium enabled the Diamondbacks to barely escape another seasonal low water mark for paid attendance, in what has been a humiliating year on the field, in the stands, on the road, against left handed pitching, across local, national and international political controversies, and against batters.
"Thank goodness for large unconfirmed group sales" said Hall. "This proves we have momentum and are on the right track. Drawing less than 2 million, especially after the Yankees visit, would not have established this kind of momentum. We're very excited about these numbers. And proud"
Previously, the largest Chase Field crowd occured on December 30th, 1999 when 82,450 attended a Rod Parsley miracle and healing service.
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